Projektet CoPe (Communities of Practice in Education - praksisfællesskaber i uddannelse) sigter mod at skabe et online værktøj til at følge med i og evaluere den praktiske uddannelse af de studerende fra sundhedspleje uddannelsesområdet. Værktøjet tilbyder på samme tid et overblik over de studerendes udvikling under deres uddannelse.
Softwaren, PRAX-Manager vil blive udviklet, testet og dokumenteret i projektets levetid, i lokale sammenhænge, i de daglige aktiviteter blandt andre partnerskoler og i tværnational udveksling af studerende.
Projektet har også til formål at skabe plads til udveksling af god praksis i uddannelse i sundhedsvæsenet – ved at organisere fælles undervisning og læringsaktiviteter blandt lærere og studerende, og ved at sammenligne og videreudvikle de uddannelsesmæssige ressourcer, der anvendes i uddannelse af partnerne.
Den væsentligste årsag til udviklingen af dette projekt er behovet for at skabe mere effektiv infrastruktur mellem skolerne (vejledere, lærere, ledelse), de studerende og de arbejdspladser (personale med ansvar for vejledning og vejledere) ved hjælp af et online-værktøj, der gør det muligt at følge med i og evaluere de aktiviteter, der udføres i løbet af praktikken og tillader direkte kommunikation og vejledning i realtid. Ved afslutningen af hver træningsperiode, vil skolerne kunne opsummere resultaterne og drage konklusioner om, hvordan man kan forbedre kvaliteten af aktiviteterne i den praktiske uddannelse og tilbyde dokumenteret feedback til praktik institutionerne.
Et andet behov projektet vil indfri, er behovet for at forbedre samarbejdet mellem skoler, der organiserer uddannelsesprogrammer i sundhedssektoren, så de kan udveksle god praksis og lære af hinanden. Der har været flere initiativer på dette måde, primært udveksling af studerende og fagfolk på erhvervsuddannelsesområdet, men vi kunne næppe tale om en konstant samarbejde, der kan føre til mere komplekse projekter og resultater.
Projektet vil ikke blot bidrage til den institutionelle udvikling, men vil direkte involvere og positivt påvirke slutbrugerne af uddannelsestilbud og de fremtidige arbejdsgivere, der skal fungere som medudviklere af værktøjet ved at sikre afprøvning af det endelige resultat.
Med hensyn til undervisning og læringsaktiviteterne hos partnerinstitutionerne, vil disse være fagfælle -aktiviteter for lærerne, baseret på tidligere fastsatte temaer og indhold, og vil bestå af deltagelse i debatter og praktiske workshops. De blandede udvekslinger af studerende vil bestå af praktikophold i udlandet hos partnerinstitutionerne, som følges og evalueres med Prax-Manager, hvorved afprøvningen af værktøjet i en tværnational sammenhæng sikres.
Projektet gennemføres i perioden september 2014 og august 2016.
De aktiviteter, der skal gennemføres i forbindelse med projektet aktiviteter er:
Det vigtigste resultat af projektet er et gratis open source-software, kaldet Prax-Manager til at hjælpe skolerne med at følge med i og evaluere den praktiske uddannelse af deres elever. I løbet af projektets levetid vil det vil blive testet inden for Sundhedsområdet, gennem en række blandede udvekslinger for EUD elever fra alle partnerlande og resultaterne vil bruges til at justere den, når det er nødvendigt.
Desuden vil partnerskabet udvikle software dokumentation og retningslinjer, som vil blive offentliggjort på projektets hjemmeside til gratis download.
Et andet resultat forventes at være en online platform med uddannelsesmæssige ressourcer hovedsagelig anvendes i evalueringen af de studerende.
FEG ( Fundatia Ecologica Green) is an educational institution, autonomous and non profit making, located in Iasi, Romania, comprising: kindergartens, a primary school, a post secondary technical school and a training centre for adults.
At national level, FEG has developed a network of 15 post secondary schools and training centres.
FEG Training Centre was founded in 1990,and it is a recognized training provider for several qualifications. We organize formal short-term courses for various qualifications such as social workers, health care helpers, cooks, waiters, tailors, carpenters, etc. Since 2007 FEG Training Centre has been also involved in non formal learning activities for adults, developing a new dimension in our centre.
FEG Postsecondary School was founded in 1998 and in 2008 it was accredited by the Ministry of Education. In 2014 the school has been evaluated by the Ministry of Education, getting a high score for the quality of education provided.
The school provides training in 12 qualifications, out of which the most representative is the Nursing Division. More than 800 of our students are trained to become nurses and since its foundation, the school has trained more than 4000 student nurses. The quality of the training provided as well as its facilities and extracurricular activities made the school the strongest private alternative to the public education in the region.
Since 2004 FEG is a member of EFVET- European Forum for Vocational Education and Training and from 2008 of CLN, City Learning Net, a non formal educational network. In 2008 FEG Post Secondary School was awarded the title "European School" by the Ministry of Education, title reconfirmed in 2011.
FEG has been taking part in 41 EU projects, out of which 21 mobility projects run under Leonardo da Vinci, for students and teachers and other projects run under the Grundtvig, Youth,Erasmus, Leonardo Programmes and the Transversal Programme.
The Majada Marcial Vocational Training Integrated Center is located in Puerto del Rosario, the capital of the island of Fuerteventura, which is the nucleus of the biggest population. It's very diverse culturally, mainly due to the phenomenon of immigration and tourism.
It is a center under the Department of Education, Universities and Sustainability of the Government of the Canary Islands. It's exclusively a vocational school center and this year has been ranked as Integrated Center of Vocational Training.
Courses belonging to 10 different professional families are being taught, either classroom or online teaching: Administration and Management, Trade and Marketing, Electricity and Electronics, Energy and Water, Personal Image, Information and Communication, Installation and Maintenance, Health, Socio-cultural and Community Services and Vehicle Transportation and Maintenance.
The number of students enrolled in this course is more than 1100 and it's got a staff of about 68 teachers. This center has been certified by ISO 9001:2000 and shares the ISO 9001:2008 Multisite Certification with other schools in the Canaries.
The Health Family participates in this project which teachings such as Nurse Assistants, Emergency Services, Pharmacy and Para-pharmacy and Dietetics.We've got an extensive experience in those fields and have the support of many local partners in the health area. Those partners are the hosts for our students to perform their On the Job training.
The educational activities around health of the CIFP Majada Marcial are the ones that are done on the island so that the health system in this area lies in the solidity of the studies performed in this institution.There is a direct connection between this school and all the diet and nutrition centers, private health centers, out patients clinic, private hospital and dental clinics and, in general , any company that focuses its attention on those aspects of the world of health that are studied here .
Aarhus social and health care College was established by the County of Aarhus in 1990 to develop, organize and run short termed social and health care educational programs according to the reform of the education system in Denmark in 1990.
In the same way the college is authorized to develop and offer supplementary training programs and education - according to the accreditation system of legal provider of supplementary training for professional social and health workers in DK. Due to a reform of public administration in Denmark implemented the 1st of January 2007, the college changed from a institution run by the regional authorities to become an independent self-governing institution.
The college offers special educational introductory programs for immigrants and refugees.
We have 130 fulltime employees and 30 external professionals. The 130 fulltime employees cover about 110 educational staff members- In 2011 the college had more than 1500 students. The College is responsible to recruit enough students to make sure that all kinds of social and health care in Denmark are delivered by educated professional social and health workers.
KANUNI MESLEKI VE TEKNIK ANADOLU LISESI- (former Izmit Anadolu Saglik Meslek Lisesi) started its service with its Medical Secretaryship that belongs to the authority of the Ministry of Health, in 2001-2002 educational year. Classes of Technician of Anesthetics, Midwifery and Technician of Medical Emergency were put into service.
In 2007-2008 Nursery Classes were added, the school still performing education with its Technician of Anesthetics, Technician of Medical Emergency and Nursing Classes. By the 2010-2011 educational year the school organises classes in the fields of Technician of Anesthetics, Technician of Medical Emergency and Nursing Classes,with its 26 Profession Teachers , 19 Culture Lessons Teachers , 35 teachers in total,1 School Principal,1 Chief Assistant , 2 Assistants and 358 students .
The teachers are professionals who have worked in the field of Health Services for at least three years before starting teaching and got pedagogical training to become a teacher or graduated from High Level Nursing Schools are experienced teachers in the fields of professional education and practice.
Secondary Nursing School and Higher Nursing Vocational School is located in České Budějovice, the biggest city of South Bohemia which is the administrative center of the whole region. It is a very diverse town in aspects of culture, rich history, industry and sports. It also houses the authorities for the region and several local institutions.
The school was established by the regional authority and is supervised by it. It is a non-profit organization and a specialized secondary school of medical professions and some of the secondary school programs (completed by state and school final exams) are continued at the higher school which is completed by specialized certificates.
Stredni zdravotnicka skola a VOSZ- Secondary Nursing School & Higher Nursing Vocational School Ceske Budejovice has a long, sixty-year tradition. As the only one in the South Bohemian region in addition to clinical and prepares students in technical fields.
The school is involved in a lot of partnerships with health care and social care organizations which provide possibilities for training, e.g. Nemocnice České Budějovice a.s. (the regional hospital, a major health service provider of the area), several retirement homes in České Budějovice and other institutions. The students have a long-term job training at those host facilities of our partners, which is required for their future careers. The school has an extensive experience and tradition in the field of medical education and provide a significant amount of support for various activities in the region (e.g. first aid training for schools, partnerships at sport events etc.). The school is an important member of the community due to its participation in various charity events. The Department of Nursing often organizes certified conferences on various topics connected with health services. There has been established a successful connection with a school in Levoča, Slovakia, concerning exchange of information about challenged students. Secondary Nursing School and Higher Nursing Vocational School also provides training on ICT, especially on databases used by schools and it has received a status of Information Centre SIPVZ nr. IC/034.
After graduating medical school and successfully passed the matriculation examination can continue their studies at the College of Health, which is part of the device. Students can also study any subject at college.
Teaching and practice on a SZS VOSZ in Ceske Budejovice is provided by internal and external teachers. Vocational training is provided in public and private health facilities of the city.The SZS and VOSZ students will not only need education, but also gain experience in specialized departments of medical devices for which the school prepares future workers.
The school is very pro-active concerning Czech or European Union projects in order to improve its professional equipment, staff education and foremost to improve all conditions for successful preparation of its students. Recently, the school has created the projects on e.g.: ICT technologies at schools, first aid training for basic school pupils and their teachers, digital materials in learning process etc.
Margall School is a school with more than 40 years of history providing post-compulsory education subsidized by the Education Department of the Goverment of Catalonia In High School, Vocational Training, Testing Services Vocational Higher Grade and training for Employment. We are, therefore, a comprehensive training center that evolves according to the changing needs of our society but also maintains an educational project values and true to their origin.
The study center Maragall specializes in studies of the health sector. A project that aims to provide its students last moral conscience and responsible work ethic that allows them to make it possible to face the challenges of the future, whilst having a degree of social and professional integration according to individual perspectives for each of them.
To Maragall Centre is vital that students take as their own, in the course of their training in our institution, values and objectives designed to achieve the highest possible educational excellence , both in the field content included in the curriculum, and in values education. With close and continuous monitoring of teaching and learning, based on the educational stage correspondent, offers families an educational project based on communication and collaboration between parents and school. It strives that families accept the philosophy of the school (the principles, values and norms) and rely on the professionalism of the education team.The school educates its students in coexistence, mutual respect, cooperation and solidarity.
Joan Maragall Centre practices an open and active pedagogy, where the teacher is leading the students to fulfill their full potential. The teachers develop their educational work in an atmosphere of cordiality and mutual respect in the relationship between teachers and students.They work with the desire to serve and meet the students and families we choose to deal the training of their children/ are forcing us to continually improve our educational work.
A national agency audits every year, the centre's performance with international quality standards and certifies the management. Joan Maragall is one of the first schools in Catalonia and has obtained the Quality Certification according to ISO 9001.
Seed is a non-profit organization located in Lugano, Switzerland. Seed was born from the belief that an adequate use of ICT and e-learning technologies can make a difference in education and training initiatives in cooperation and development projects: enhancing access, allowing the creation of stable networks, and improving daily working activities.
Seed is a non-profit organization located in Lugano, Switzerland; it has been active in the field of technologies, communication and education since 2007, and currently employs 8 people. Seed was born from the belief that an adequate use of ICT and e-learning technologies can make a difference in education and training initiatives in cooperation and development projects: enhancing access, allowing the creation of stable networks, and improving daily working activities. Seed has a long-lasting experience in participating in European projects, especially in the Lifelong Learning Programme.
Seed's mission is providing expertise to not for profit organizations, both for local activities and for international cooperation and development projects. We thus work with a diverse range of partner institutions, including schools, social and healthcare services, etc.